Gianfranco Gambarelliemeritus professor
University of Bergamo via dei Caniana 2, office 258, 24127 Bergamo, ITALY phone: (+39) 035.241631 email: |
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Gianfranco Gambarelli calls himself a "triply sinister author, as an emeritus professor, a mathematician and a poet".
In fact, he is the fifth professor appointed "emeritus" in the first 50 years of the Università degli Studi di Bergamo, where he served as Prorector, initiator of the Faculty of Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Economics. He also taught at the Università degli Studi di Brescia, the Accademia della Guardia di Finanza and has been a visiting professor in universities on four continents. In the scientific field, he produced a hundred international publications and 12 books. He participated in the editorial boards of various international journals and edited the Periodical of Mathematics of MATHESIS. He brought prestigious mathematicians and Nobel Laureates to Bergamo, including, multiple times, John Nash ("A Beautiful mind"), of whom he was one of the very few friends. In the literary sphere, he produced the poetry series "Do Mathematicians Have a Soul Too?", now in its seventh edition with Campanotto and the book of dialect poems "Raìs" (Roots) and was editor of various publications such as “Itinerari dannunziani” and "Bergamo in the European literature". A winner of several literary prizes, he chaired the Cenacolo Orobico di Poesia for a decade.PROFESSIONAL HISTORY
Visiting professor
Leading Positions Held
Research Areas
Game Theory - Cooperative Games
Game Theory - Financial Applications
Game Theory - International Economics
Game Theory - Political Applications
Game Theory - Political and Financial Applications
Geometry - Integer Programming