Gianfranco Gambarelli

emeritus professor

University of Bergamo
via dei Caniana 2, office 258, 24127 Bergamo, ITALY
phone: (+39) 035.241631

Languages spoken:


Gianfranco Gambarelli calls himself a "triply sinister author, as an emeritus professor, a mathematician and a poet".

In fact, he is the fifth professor appointed "emeritus" in the first 50 years of the Università degli Studi di Bergamo, where he served as Prorector, initiator of the Faculty of Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Economics. He also taught at the Università degli Studi di Brescia, the Accademia della Guardia di Finanza and has been a visiting professor in universities on four continents. In the scientific field, he produced a hundred international publications and 12 books. He participated in the editorial boards of various international journals and edited the Periodical of Mathematics of MATHESIS. He brought prestigious mathematicians and Nobel Laureates to Bergamo, including, multiple times, John Nash ("A Beautiful mind"), of whom he was one of the very few friends. In the literary sphere, he produced the poetry series "Do Mathematicians Have a Soul Too?", now in its seventh edition with Campanotto and the book of dialect poems "Raìs" (Roots) and was editor of various publications such as “Itinerari dannunziani” and "Bergamo in the European literature". A winner of several literary prizes, he chaired the Cenacolo Orobico di Poesia for a decade.




Visiting professor

Leading Positions Held

Past and current membership in editorial boards:


Research Areas




Computer Science

  1. Gambarelli, G. (1979) "Una proposta di standardizzazione per programmi scritti in linguaggio ASSEMBLER" ("A Standardization for ASSEMBLER Programs") Informatica 70, 7, 73, 45-52.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1990) "Una nuova Matematica per una nuova Informatica" ("New Mathematics for New Computer Science") Annali della Pubblica Istruzione, Le Monnier, Firenze, 36, 4, 367-373.
  3. Gambarelli, G. (1997) "Matematica per l'uomo nell'et� del software" ("Mathematics for Man in the Software Age") Attivit� algoritmiche e pensiero didattico nell'insegnamento della Matematica, Atti del Congresso Nazionale Mathesis, Caserta, 85-93.
  4. See also:
              Book n. 1.

Decision Theory

  1. Bertini, C., G. Gambarelli and A. Uristani (2010) "Indices of Collusion among Judges and an Anti-collusion Average" S. Greco, R. Marques Pereira, M. Squillante, R.R. Yager, J. Kacprzyk (eds), Preferences and decisions: models and applications, in Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Springer Verlag, pp 195-210. ISBN 978-3-642-15975-6, e-ISBN 978-3-642-15976-3, ISSN 1434-9922 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-15976-3
  2. Carfi, D., G. Gambarelli and A. Uristani (2013) Balancing pairs of interfering elements, in: Financial management. Measurement of performance and evaluation of investment appraisal (Zarzadzanie finansami. Mierzenie wyników przedsiebiorstw i ocena efektywnosci inwestycji), Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecinskiego No 760, Szczecin University Press, Szczecin, 435-442. ISSN 1640-6818, 1733-2842.
  3. Carf�, D. e G. Gambarelli (2015), "Balancing Bilinearly Interfering Elements", Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 27-49. DOI:, ISSN 1896-8325 (print), ISSN 2300-7087 (electronic).

Game Theory - Algorithms

  1. Gambarelli, G. (1980) "Algorithm for the numerical computation of the Shapley value of a game" Rivista di Statistica Apllicata, 13, 1, 35-41.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1981) "Algorithm for automatic generation of the winning coalitions in weighted majority games" Quaderni del Dipartimento di Matematica, Statistica, Informatica ed Applicazioni, Istituto Universitario di Bergamo, 1, 1-21.
  3. Arcaini, G. and G. Gambarelli (1986) "Algorithm for automatic computation of the power variations in share tradings" Calcolo, 23, 1, 13-19.
  4. Gambarelli, G. (1996) "Takeover Algorithms" Modelling Techniques for Financial Markets and Bank Management: Proceedings of the 16th and 17th Euro Working Group of Financial Modelling Meetings (M. Bertocchi, E. Cavalli and S. Komlosi eds.), Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 212-222
  5. See also:
              Game Theory - Bargaining n. 2
              Game Theory - Cooperative Games n. 1, 5, 14.

Game Theory - Bargaining

  1. Dragan, I. and G. Gambarelli (1990) "The Compensatory Bargaining Set of a Big Boss Game" Libertas Mathematica, 10, 53-61.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1995) "Survival Game: n-person Bargaining for Controlling Coalition" Control and Cybernetics, 24, 3, 243-256.
  3. See also:
              Game Theory - Cooperative Games

Game Theory - Cooperative Games

  1. Gambarelli, G. and G. Zambruno (1977) "Analitical reformulation of the Shapley value of a game" Proc. of the First Meeting AMASES, Giappichelli, Torino, 197-211.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1977) "Geometrical considerations on the Shapley value of a game" Proc. of the First Meeting AMASES, Giappichelli, Torino, 183-196.
  3. Gambarelli, G. and G.P. Szego (1982) "Discontinuous solutions in n-person games" New Quantitative Techniques for Economic Analysis (G.P. Szego ed.), Academic Press, New York, 229-244.
  4. Gambarelli, G. (1983) "Common behaviour of power indices" International Journal of Game Theory, 12, 4, 237-244.
  5. Gambarelli, G. (1990) "A new approach for evaluating the Shapley value" Optimization 21, 3, 445-452.
  6. Gambarelli, G. and J. Holubiec (1994) "Power Indices" Proc. of the Italian-Polish-Finnish Symposium on Systems Analysis and Decision Support Systems in Economics and Technology, (R. Kulikowski, K. Szatula, J. Kacprzyk eds.), Omnitech Press, Warsaw, 100-106.
  7. Freixas, J. and G. Gambarelli (1997) "Common properties among power indices" Control and Cybernetics, 26, 4, 591-603.
  8. Gambarelli, G. (2007) "Transforming Games from Characteristic into Normal Form" International Game Theory Review, Special Issue devoted to Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice (S. Vannucci and A. Ursini, eds.) Vol. 9, Number 1, 87-104. ISSN:0219-1989
  9. C. Bertini,G. Gambarelli and I. Stach (2008) "A public Help Index" Power, Freedom, and Voting (Mattew Braham and Frank Steffen eds.). Springer, Berlin-Haidelberg, 83-98. ISBN 978-3-540-73381-2 e-ISBN 978-3-540-73382-9, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-73382-9.
  10. C. Bertini, Freixas, J., Gambarelli G., I. Stach (2013). "Comparing Power Indices". In Fragnelli, V., Gambarelli, G. (eds.). Open Problems in the Theory of Cooperative Games - A Special Issue of International Game Theory Review, vol. 15, 2. DOI: 10.1142/S0219198913400045. Print ISSN: 0219-1989. Online ISSN: 1793-6675.
  11. C. Bertini, Freixas, J., Gambarelli G., I. Stach (2013). "Some open problems in Simple Games". In Fragnelli, V., Gambarelli, G. (eds.). Open Problems in the Theory of Cooperative Games - A Special Issue of International Game Theory Review, vol. 15, 2. DOI: 10.1142/S0219198913400057. Print ISSN: 0219-1989. Online ISSN: 1793-6675.
  12. Fragnelli V., Gambarelli, G. (2013). "Introduction". In Fragnelli, V., Gambarelli, G. (eds.), Open Problems in the Theory of Cooperative Games - A Special Issue of International Game Theory Review, vol. 15, 2. DOI: 10.1142/S0219198913030011. Print ISSN: 0219-1989. Online ISSN: 1793-6675.
  13. Fragnelli V., Gambarelli, G. (2013) "Introduction". In Fragnelli, V., Gambarelli, G. (eds.). Open Problems in the Applications of Cooperative Games - A Special Issue of International Game Theory Review, vol. 15, 3. DOI: 10.1142/S0219198913030023. Print ISSN: 0219-1989. Online ISSN: 1793-6675.
  14. Fragnelli V., Gambarelli, G. (2014) "Further open problems in cooperative games". In Fragnelli, V., I. Stach eds., A Special Issue of Operations Research And Decisions, Vol. 4, 51-62, DOI: 10.5277/ord140404, Print ISSN: 2081-8858, Online ISSN: 2391-6060.
  15. C. Bertini, G. Gianfranco and I. Stach (2015). "Some Open Problems in the Application of Power Indices to Politics and Finance". Homo Oeconomicus, 32(1): 147-156, Accedo Verlagsgesellschaft, Munchen. ISBN 978-3-89265-117-8. ISSN 0943-0180.
  16. Fragnelli V., G. Gambarelli, N., Gnocchi, F., Pressacco and L. Ziani (2016), "Fibonacci Representations of Homogeneous Weighted Majority Games". In N.T. Nguyen, R. Kowalczyk, and J. Mercik (eds.): Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXIII, Volume 9760 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 162-171.
  17. C. Bertini, Bonzi, C., Gambarelli, G., Gnocchi, N., Panades, I., I. Stach (2018). Transforming Games with Affinities from Characteristic into Normal Form. In: Nguyen, N.T., Kowalczyk, R., Mercik, J., Motylska-Kuzma, A. (eds.), Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXI, LNCS vol. 11290, pp. 22-36, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  18. Bertini, C., G. Gambarelli, I. Stach and M. Zola (2020). "On Some Applications of the Shapley-Shubik Index for Finance and Politics". In: E. Algaba, V. Fragnelli and J. S�nchez-Soriano (eds.), Handbook of the Shapley Value, pp: 393-417. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA. ISBN: 9780815374688.
  19. See also:
              Game Theory - Algorithms
              Game Theory - Bargaining
              Game Theory - International Economics
              Game Theory - Political Application
              Game Theory - Financial Application
              Game Theory - Political and Financial Applications
              Scientific Books (editor) n. 2
              Textbooks n. 2, 3

Game Theory - Financial Applications

  1. Gambarelli, G. (1982) "Portfolio Selection and Firms' Control" Finance, 3, 1, 69-83.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1982) "The control quota component in the price of shares" Rivista di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche e Sociali, 5, 1, 53-63.
  3. Gambarelli, G. (1993) "An Index of Stability for Controlling Shareholders" Modelling Reality and Personal Modelling (R. Flavell ed.), Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 116-127.
  4. Gambarelli, G. and G. Owen (1994) "Indirect Control of Corporations", International Journal of Game Theory, 23, 4, 287-302.
  5. Gambarelli, G e S. Pesce (2004) "Takeover Prices and Portfolio Theory" Essays on Cooperative Games: in honor of Guillermo Owen (G. Gambarelli, ed.), Special Issue of Theory and Decision, Vol. 36, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 193-203. ISSN: 88-87445-49-4.
  6. C. Bertini, G. Gambarelli, I. Stach and M. Zola, (2017) Power indices for Finance, in: Mikael Collan and Janusz Kacprzik (eds.), Studies in Fuzziness and Soft-computing, Volume 357, Soft Computing Applications for Group Decision-making and Consensus Modeling, Springer, pp. 45-70, ISBN 978-3-319-60207-3, ISSN 1434-9922.
  7. Faccini, Daniel, Gianfranco Gambarelli, Daniele Gervasio, & Francesca Maggioni (2021) "A Stackelberg game for the Italian tax evasion problem" Comput Manag Sci
  8. See also:
              Game Theory - Political and Financial Applications
              Game Theory - Cooperative Games

Game Theory - History

  1. Gambarelli, G. and G. Owen (1994) "50 Years of Game Theory" Journal of European Business Education, 4, 1, 30-45.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (2002) "John Nash dal Nobel all'Oscar" Didattica delle Scienze, 219, 43-45. ISSN: 1593-537X.
  3. Gambarelli G. and G. Owen (2004) “The Coming of Game Theory” Essays on Cooperative Games – in honour of Guillermo Owen (G. Gambarelli ed.). Special Issue of Theory and Decision, Vol. 36, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1-18. ISSN: 0040-5833.
  4. Gambarelli, G. (2011) "A History of the SING Conference" Operations Research and Decisions, 21, 3-4, PL ISSN 2081-8858,pp. 69-71.
  5. Gambarelli, G. (2014) "John Nash a vent’anni dal Nobel" Bollettino dei docenti di matematica, n.68, 9-18, Repubblica e Cantone Ticino Ed., Bellinzona - Svizzera. ISBN978-88-86486-90-3.
  6. Gambarelli, G. (2014) "John Nash a vent'anni dal Nobel" Bollettino dei docenti di matematica, n.68, 9-18, Repubblica e Cantone Ticino Ed., Bellinzona - Svizzera. ISBN978-88-86486-90-3.
  7. Fragnelli V. and G. Gambarelli (2015) "John Forbes Nash (1928-2015)" The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 22:5, 923-926, DOI: 10.1080/09672567.2015.1074828
  8. Gambarelli, G. (2015) "La Teoria dei Giochi e le sue applicazioni" Bollettino dei docenti di matematica, n. 70, maggio. Bellinzona: UIM-CDC. Pagg. 47-70. ISBN: 978-88-86486-92-7
  9. Fragnelli V. and G. Gambarelli (2015) "Ricordo di John Nash" Annali MEMOTEF, 155-160.
  10. Gambarelli, G. (2022) "Throwback" Control and Cybernetics, 51, 2, 125-130. DOI: 10.2478/candc-2022-0009.
  11. See also:
              Scientific Books (author) n. 6

Game Theory - International Economics

  1. Gambarelli G., J. Holubiec and J. Kacprzyk (1988) "Modeling and Optimization of International Economic Cooperation via Fuzzy Mathematical Programming and Cooperative Games" Control and Cybernetics, 17, 4, 325-335.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1992) "Strategics for the Repayment of External Debt" Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Systems, Dalian, China (Zhang Shengkai and Zou Kaiqi eds.), Dalian Maritime University Publishing House, 566-573.
  3. Gambarelli, G. and J. Holubiec (1993) "A New Approach to East-West International Economic Cooperation" AMSE-Modelling, Measurement and Control, D, AMSE Press, 8, 2, 49-56.
  4. Gambarelli, G. and P. Piana (1997) "The Gulf War Economic Game" Control and Cybernetics, 26, 2, 207-214.
  5. See also:
              Game Theory - Cooperative Games

Game Theory - Political Applications

  1. Gambarelli, G. (1981) "Evaluation of political elections in Europe by the Shapley value of a game" Mathematical Programming and its Economic Applications, (G. Castellani and P. Mazzoleni eds.), Angeli, Milano, 687-698.
  2. Gambarelli, G. and J. Holubiec (1990) "Power Indices and Democratic Apportionments" Proceedings of the 8th Italian-Polish Symposium on Systems Analysis and Decision Support in Economics and Technology (M. Fedrizzi and J. Kacprzyk eds.), Onnitech Press, Warsaw, Poland, 240-255.
  3. Gambarelli, G. (1996) "Sistemas electorales y procesamiento de datos" in Spanish ("Electoral Systems and Data Processing") Presented at Congreso Iberoamericano de Informatica y Derecho organizado por el Ministerio de Justicia de la Nacion Argentina, Bariloche, 15-20 Mayo.
  4. Gambarelli, G. and S. Greco (1998) "I giochi della politica italiana" ("Italian Political Games") Ricerca 10/11, 6-9.
  5. Gambarelli, G. and S. Greco (1999) "Sistemi elettorali e Teoria dei Giochi" (“Electoral Systems and Game Theory”) Periodico di Matematiche VII, 6, 1, 11-19. ISSN: 0391-2094.
  6. Gambarelli, G. (1999) "Minimax Apportionments" Group Decision and Negotiation, 8, 6, 441-461 ISSN: 0926-2644 or (2003) In Kacprzyk, J. and Wagner, D. (eds.), Group Decisions and Voting, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, pp. 9-30.
  7. C. Bertini, Gambarelli G. and I. Stach (2005) "Apportionment Strategies for the European Parliament" Power Measures III, a Special Issue of Homo Oeconomicus (G. Gambarelli and M. Holler, eds), 22(4), Accedo Verlagsgesellschaft, Munchen, pp. 589-604. ISBN:3-89265-060-8. Republished in 2013: M.J. Holler and H. Nurmi (Eds.) Power, Voting, and Voting Power: 30 Years After, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 541-552. ISBN 978-3-642-35928-6.
  8. Gambarelli, G. and A. Palestini (2008) "Minimax Multi-district Apportionments"; Power Measures IV, a Special Issue of Homo Oeconomicus (G. Gambarelli eds), Accedo Verlag, Munchen. ISBN: 978-3-89265-066-9. Republished in 2013: M.J. Holler and H. Nurmi (Eds.) Power, Voting, and Voting Power: 30 Years After, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 169-186. ISBN 978-3-642-35928-6.
  9. Gambarelli, G. and A. Uristani (2009)"Multicameral Voting Cohesion Games"; Central European Journal of Operations Research, *Volume 17, Issue 4, pages 433-460*, ISSN: 1435-246X, doi: 10.1007/s10100-009-0102-6.
  10. Gambarelli, G. and I. Stach (2009) "Power Indices in Politics; Some Results and Open Problems”; Essays in Honor of Hannu Nurmi, Homo Oeconomicus 26(3/4): 417–441. ISBN 978-3-89265-072-0. ISSN 0943-0180.
  11. C. Bertini, Gambarelli G. and I. Stach (2014) "A method of seat distribution in the European Parliament”. In P. Lebkowski (ed.), Zarzadzanie przedsiebiorstwem. Teoria i praktyka 2014, AGH University of Science and Technology Press, Kraków, p. 271-280. ISBN 978-83-7464-732-8.
  12. Gambarelli, G. and G. A. Zibetti (2014). "La nuova legge elettorale italiana - problemi e proposte di soluzione". Atti dell'Ateneo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Bergamo. Officina dell'Ateneo, Sestante Edizioni. Volume 76-77, pp 239-249. ISBN 978-88-6642-181-8.
  13. C. Bertini, G. Gambarelli, I. Stach and G. Zibetti (2019). "Seat Apportionment by Population and Contribution in European Parliament After Brexit". In: Nguyen N., Kowalczyk R., Mercik J., Motylska-Kuzma A. (eds) Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXIV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11890, pp. 109-126, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. First Online: 01 November 2019. DOI: Print ISBN:978-3-662-60554-7. Online ISBN:978-3-662-60555-4.
  14. Bezzi, M., G. Gambarelli and G. Zibetti (2019) "Bi-proportional Apportionments". In: Nguyen N., Kowalczyk R., Mercik J., Motylska-Kuzma A. (eds) Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXIV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11890, pp. 146-161, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. First Online: 01 November 2019. DOI: Print ISBN: 978-3-662-60554-7. Online ISBN: 978-3-662-60555-4.
  15. Bezzi M., R. Capuano, G. Gambarelli e G. A. Zibetti (2023) "Errori e possibili rimedi nella legge elettorale italiana", CISE (Centro Italiano Studi Elettorali),
  16. See also:
              Game Theory - Political and Financial Applications

Game Theory - Political and Financial Applications

  1. Gambarelli, G. (1991) "Political and Financial Applications of the Power Indices" Decision Processes in Economics (G. Ricci ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin -Heidelberg, 84-106.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1994) "Power Indices for Political and Financial Decision Making", Annals of O.R. 51, (Proc. of IFAC Workshop on Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, Warsaw, Poland), 165-173.
  3. Gambarelli G. and G. Owen (2002) "Power in Political and in Businness Structures", in: M.J. Holler, H. Kliemt, D. Schnidtchen and M.E.Streit, Power and Fairness (Jahrbuch f�r Neue Politische �konomie, Vol. 20), T�bingen: Mohr Siebeck, 57-68. ISSN: 0722-5369
  4. C. Bertini, Gambarelli G. and I. Stach (2015) "Some Open Problems in the Application of Power Indices to Politics and Finance". Homo Oeconomicus, 32(1): 147-156, Accedo Verlagsgesellschaft, München. ISBN 978-3-89265-117-8 ISSN 0943-0180 147.
  5. C. Bertini, Gambarelli G. and I. Stach (2016) "Indici di potere in politica e in finanza" Bollettino dei docenti di matematica, n. 72, pp. 9-34, Repubblica e Cantone Ticino Ed., Bellinzona - Svizzera.
  6. C. Bertini, Gambarelli G. and I. Stach (2017) "Some Results and Open Problems in Applications of Cooperative Games", International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, IARAS, Vol. 2, pp. 271-276. ISSN: 2367-8925.
  7. See also:
              Game Theory - Algorithms n. 2,3,4
              Game Theory - Bargaining n. 2
              Game Theory - Cooperative Games n. 3,4,6,14.
              Game Theory - Political Applications
              Game Theory - Financial Applications

Geometry - Affine Spaces

  1. Gambarelli, G. (1989) "Due propriet� dei baricentri" ("Two Properties of the Barycentres") Periodico di Matematiche, 6, 65, 4, 49-54.
  2. See also:
              Game Theory - Cooperative Games n. 2,5.

Geometry - Integer Programming

  1. Gambarelli, G. (1986) "Transformations and consecutivities on a ring for computational applications" Optimization, 775-783.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1987) "Classes of Rational Polyhedra" Control and Cybernetics, 2, 16, 123-128.
  3. See also:
              Scientific Books (author) n. 3, 5

Mathematics - Didactics

  1. Gambarelli, G. (1982) "Invito alla Logica Matematica" ("An Invitation to Mathematical Logics") Atti del Convegno AMASES Didattica 82, Lignano, 219-240.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1991) "Controriforma della Matematica" ("Counter-Reformation of the Mathematics") La matematica e la sua didattica, 5, 4, 52-54.
  3. Gambarelli, G. (2002) “John Nash dal Nobel all’Oscar” (“John Nash from Nobel to Oscar”) Didattica delle Scienze, 219, 43-45. ISSN: 1593-537X.
  4. Gambarelli, G.(2006) "Matematica e Universit�: problemi all'ingresso" ("Mathematics and University: Problems in Entry") Atti del Convegno Nel ricordo di Livia: l'insegnamento della Matematica negli ultimidecenni e sue prospettive. Fondazione Livia Tonolini, Treviglio, 24 febbraio, 98-104.
  5. Gambarelli, G. (2014) "La Teoria dei Giochi e le sue applicazioni" ("Games Theory and its applications") Periodico di Matematiche, n. 3, vol. 6, Serie XI, pp. 51-86. ISSN 1582-8832.
  6. See also:
              Textbooks n. 2, 3, 4

Mathematics - Finance

  1. Gambarelli, G. (1985) "Sulla scelta fra investimenti a premio e in contanti" ("On the Choice between Premium and Cash Investments") Rendiconti del comitato per gli studi e la programmazione economica, 23, Alceo, Padova 97-106.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (1985) "Sulla periodicit� ottima dei prelievi" ("On the Optimal Drawing Intervals") Il Risparmio, 33, 5, 521-529.

Mathematics - History

  1. Gambarelli, G. (2001) "Una panoramica sulle ricerche in corso nel Dipartimento di Matematica, Statistica, Informatica e Applicazioni dell'Universit� degli Studi di Bergamo" (Some Recent Researchs carried out at the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Applicatione of the University of Bergamo), Edizioni dell'Ateneo (G. Gambarelli ed.), Bergamo, 19-28.
  2. Gambarelli, G. and F. Rossetti (2004) "Sulle opere matematiche minori di Lorenzo Mascheroni" ("On the minor mathematical works of Lorenzo Mascheroni") Lorenzo Mascheroni - Scienza e letteratura nell'et� dei Lumi. Bergamo University Press, Edizioni Sestante (Matilde Dillon Wanke e Duccio Tongiorgi eds.) Bergamo, 49-55. ISBN: 88-87445-49-4
  3. See also:
              Game Theory - History
              Computer Science n 2,3.
              Scientific Books (editor) n. 1

Sport Sciences

  1. Gambarelli, G. (2008) "The Coherent Majority Average for Juries' Evaluation Processes" Journal of Sport Sciences, Volume 26, Issue 10 August 2008, ISSN: 0264-0414, , pages 1091 - 1095.
  2. Gambarelli, G., G. Iaquinta and M. Piazza (2012) "Anti-collusion indices and averages for the evaluation of performances and judges". Journal of Sport Sciences, Vol 30, (4), pp. 411-417, ISSN 0264-0414 print / ISSN 1466-447X online. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.651153.
  3. Gambarelli D., G. Gambarelli and D. Goossens (2019). "Offensive or defensive play in soccer: a game-theoretical approach". Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Published Online: 2019-07-13, 9 pp. DOI:, ISSN 1559-0410.
  4. See also:
              Decision Theory

Transportation Theory

  1. Bonati, G. , G. Gambarelli and S. Stefani (1985) "Users modal split for a transportation network with one origin and one destination" Ricerca Operativa, 15, 33, 73-89.
  2. See also:
              Textbooks n.2



  1. Gambarelli, G. (2001) Stagioni (Seasons) Gruppo artistico Fara, Bergamo, 36 pages.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (2003) Rais (Radici - poesie in bergamasco) (Roots - poetries in Bergamo dialect) Grafica & Arte, Bergamo, ISBN 88-7201-235-X, 32 pages.
  3. Gambarelli, G. (2005) Anche i matematici hanno un'anima? (Do Mathematicians have souls too ?), VII ed. Campanotto, Pasian di Prato (UD), in three little books: vol. I Stagioni (Seasons), ISBN 66-456-0660-0, 96 pages; vol. II Seriosit� (Prose works), ISBN 88-456-0701-1, 60 pages; vol. III , Scherzi (Jokes), ISBN 88-456-0702-X, 74 pages.
  4. Albani, G., M. Daniele, G. Gambarelli, M., Moretti, A., Pozzi, L., Preda, A., Schirinzi and A., Suardi, P. (2015) Dei Miracoli Sul Serio, ed. Lubrina, Bergamo, ISBN 9788877665423, 351 pagg.
  5. Gambarelli Gianfranco (2021) Delitti e castighi Armando editore, Roma, ISBN 978-88-6992-971-7

  6. Moreover, some works won literary prizes and are quoted in various anthologies.


  1. Gambarelli, G. (editor) (1999) Itinerari dannunziani (Dannuntian Routes) Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Bergamo, 134 pages.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (2005) Bergamo nella letteratura europea (Bergamo in European Literature), Bergamo University Press, Bergamo, ISBN 88-87445-96-6, 215 pages.


  1. Gambarelli, G. and A. Resti. (1991) Introduzione all'informatica per managers (An Introduction to Computer Science for Managers) Angeli, Milano, ISBN 88-204-6713-5, 387 pages.
  2. Gambarelli, G. and G. Pederzoli (1992) Metodi di decisione (Methods of Decision Making) Hoepli, Milano, ISBN 88-203-1973-X, 305 pages.
  3. Gambarelli, G. (2003) Giochi competitivi e cooperativi (Competitive and Cooperative Games) 2nd edition Giappichelli, Torino (II ed. Giappichelli, Torino), ISBN 88-348-3378-3, 150 pages.
  4. Gambarelli, G. and S. Mercanti, tables by Bruno Bozzetto (2005) Matematica Indolore (Painless Mathematics), ed. Giappichelli, Torino, ISBN 88-348-5351-2, 500 pages.
  5. C. Bertini, G. Gambarelli and I. Stach (with the collaboration of A. Buratto, D. Faccini, F. V. Fragnelli, S. Greco, L. Grosset, F. Maggioni, B. Matarazzo, G. Owen, R. Slowinski, L. Vannucci, A. Ventre, B. Viscolani e M. Zola) (2019). Strategie: Introduzione alla Teoria dei Giochi e delle Decisioni. (Strategies - An introduction to the Theory of Games and Decisions) Giappichelli Ed., Torino. 576 pp. ISBN: 978-88-921-0413-6.


  1. Gambarelli, G. (2009) La tesi scientifica di laurea e dottorato, II ed., EDISES, Napoli, ISBN 978-88-7959-486-8, 115 pages.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (2009) La scalata accademica, EDISES Napoli, ISBN 978-88-7959-463-9, 99 pages.
  3. Gambarelli, G. and Z. Lucki (2015) Praca dyplomowa i doktorska, V ed., CeDeWu, Warszawa, ISBN 978-83-7556-799-1, 180 pages (I-IV ed. Wydawnictwa AGH, Krakow).
  4. Gambarelli, G. and Z. Lucki (2011) Wspinaczka po profesur?. Przewodnik satelitarny po karierze akademickiej - od upadków na kolana i ciosów w plecy do zaszczytów, I ed., CeDeWu, Warszawa, ISBN 978-83-7556-401-3, 140 pages.


  1. Gambarelli, G. (editor) (2001) La Matematica e le sue applicazioni (Mathematics and Applications) Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Bergamo, ISSN 1724-2347, 96 pages.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (editor) (2004) Essays on Cooperative Games: in honor of Guillermo Owen, Special Issue of Theory and Decision, Series C, Vol. 36, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 1-4020-2935-7 (HB), 1-4020-2936-5 (e-book), 240 pages.
  3. Gambarelli, G. and Holler, M. (editors) (2005) Power Measures III, Special Issue of Homo Oeconomicus , Vol. 22 N. 4, Accedo Verlagsgesellschaft, Munchen, ISBN 3-89265-060-8, ISSN 0943-0180, 210 pages.
  4. Gambarelli, G. (editor) (2008) Power Measures IV, Special Issue of Homo Oeconomicus, Accedo Verlag, Munchen. ISBN: 978-3-89265-066-9.
  5. Gambarelli G., J. Mercik, D. Ramsey and A. Rusinowska (editors.) (2009) Operations Research and Decisions (special issue devoted to Game Theory), Issue 2, ISSN 1230-1868, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 104 pages.
  6. Fragnelli V., Gambarelli, G. (eds.) (2013). Open Problems in the Theory of Cooperative Games - A Special Issue of International Game Theory Review, vol. 15, 2. Print ISSN: 0219-1989. Online ISSN: 1793-6675.
  7. Fragnelli V., Gambarelli, G. (eds.) (2013). Open Problems in the Applications of Cooperative Games - A Special Issue of International Game Theory Review, vol. 15, 3. Print ISSN: 0219-1989. Online ISSN: 1793-6675.
  8. Gambarelli Gianfranco (2021) I giochi dei "Nobel" Delfino editore, Milano, ISBN: 979-12-80185-16-7



  1. Gambarelli, G. (conceiver) (2006) Cartellopoli: La Giungla di Latta ("Sign-polis: the tin jungle"). Scenario by Barbara Aguzzi, Andrea Bozzetto, Bruno Bozzetto and Gianfranco Gambarelli; animation by Andrea Bozzetto; musics and sound effects by Maurizio Malagnini; direction by Bruno Bozzetto. Copyright Automobile Club Bergamo.


  1. Gambarelli, G. (2011). “Banzhaf Value” Encyclopedia of Power (Keith Dowding ed.). SAGE, Los Angeles, p. 53-54, ISBN 978-1-4129-2748-2.
  2. Gambarelli, G. (2011). “Pivot Player”. Encyclopedia of Power (Keith Dowding ed.). SAGE, Los Angeles, p. 479-480, ISBN 978-1-4129-2748-2.
  3. Gambarelli, G. (2011). “Value of a Game”. Encyclopedia of Power (Keith Dowding ed.). SAGE, Los Angeles, p. 683-684, ISBN 978-1-4129-2748-2.
  4. Gambarelli, G. (2011). “Weighted Majority Game”. Encyclopedia of Power (Keith Dowding ed.). SAGE, Los Angeles, p. 709-710, ISBN 978-1-4129-2748-2.
  5. Gambarelli, G. and N.R. Miller (2011). “Simple Games”. Encyclopedia of Power (Keith Dowding ed.). SAGE, Los Angeles, p. 607-608, ISBN 978-1-4129-2748-2.


  1. Power Games (1996) [zip=2.02MB]. Java program used in paper "Takeover Algorithms". System requirements: Java 1.6 or higher (available on
  2. Biproportional Apportionments (2017) [zip=12.62MB]. Java program for simulating the method explained in paper "Biproportional Apportionments". System requirements: Java 1.6 or higher (available on